Protecting Your Family's Future

Understanding Fiduciary Tax Planning And Compliance

​In estate law, there is more to tax planning than accounting for estate taxes. You also must take into account various other taxes that may apply to your assets and your business – such as corporate taxes, capital gains taxes and income taxes. Willi Law Office, LLC, helps you form a strategy to minimize the consequences of your estate, taking into account all of the applicable taxes and how they relate to one another.

Many probate lawyers rely on outside tax advisers to handle post-mortem tax planning and compliance issues. This not only increases inefficiency in the administration process, but it often also results in miscommunication, missed deductions and mistakes. Our firm has the expertise and experience to handle all tax matters ourselves, including federal estate tax returns and complicated fiduciary income tax returns. This results in greater efficiency, timeliness and cost-effectiveness for our clients.

Let Us Help You With Fiduciary Tax Planning

Our firm has the insight you need. We are experienced in the use of qualified disclaimers and other post-mortem tax-saving strategies that can prevent unnecessary tax obligations even after the death of a loved one. We will take a comprehensive approach to your case by thoroughly analyzing all possible tax scenarios to arrive at the solution that results in the lowest overall tax liability. Call our office in Westerville today at 614-890-0500 and schedule a consultation with an OSBA Board-Certified Specialist in estate planning, trust and probate law.

To Schedule An Appointment With Our Estate Planning And Probate Attorney, Call 614-890-0500 Today!